• Sales Pages
  • ​Landing Pages
  • Facebook™ Ad Templates
  • Sales Pages
  • ​Landing Pages
  • Facebook™ Ad Templates
  • Upsell Pages
  • ​Checkout Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Webinar Landing Pages
  • ​Waiting List Templates 
  • And MUCH MORE!

ATTENTION: Coaches, Consultants & course creators

"How One Paid Digital Toolkit Builds My List And Upsells Them Into My Coaching Programs & Courses Every Month...

Without spending hours posting on social media, giving away free stuff or spending a fortune on ads"
Discover how to create a paid toolkit that can attract customers like clockwork whilst covering your ad spend and upsell people into your flagship coaching programs and courses

FOR ONLY $297 $17


⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

The Ultimate Ad Copy Kit (just $47)

Use these Ad Templates To Sell More Toolkits!

Once you’ve come up with your irresistible toolkit offer, it’s time to start attracting customers consistently.

The best way to do that is by running ads.

But without solid ad copy, even the best toolkit offer can fall flat.

That’s why I’m giving you my fill-in-the-blank ad copy launch templates. 

They’ve helped me generate literally thousands of dollars in sales (and counting):

They're proven to work and all you have to do is fill in a few blanks and you'll be ready to create high-converting Facebook ads that sell!

($597 Value). Right Now - Only $47

The Sell Then Launch System  (just $39)

The toolkit offer method is the perfect way to get customers and clients for your flagship offers (courses/coaching programs etc) and build your list of buyers...

But if you don’t have an offer that works yet or you want to launch a new offer fast and make more sales each month...

No problem...

I’ll show you how to get paid to launch a new digital offer to your new toolkit customers in as little as 7 days (before creating it)

This is the fastest way I know to launch a new digital offer from scratch.

The best part - you won’t spend months creating something that no one wants.

Usually $497 - Right now only $39 (this offer is not available at any other time or place)


  • You're tired of starting from scratch EVERY single month, with nothing to show for your efforts
  • You're tired of MISSING your revenue goals month after month, despite trying every marketing strategy in the book
  • You're sick of watching your competition soar ahead of you, while you STRUGGLE to sell your courses and services, leaving you wondering if you'll ever be able to keep up
Now you’re looking for a BETTER WAY to sell your courses and sign new coaching clients!

You Want To Sell More Of Your High-Ticket Coaching Programs, Courses & Services Consistently So...


  • BUT despite ALL your hard work, creative captions and visually stunning posts, your engagement rate is still low, and you're not attracting enough quality leads to sustain your business


  • BUT it seems like every time you run an ad, you end up spending a fortune, and the results are not even close to what you expected. You're just throwing money into a black hole.


  • BUT all you get are crickets. You’ve tried posting helpful content and commenting on other people's posts, but it seems like everyone is just trying to sell to each other. It's frustrating to spend so much time and effort with no results. 


👉 What if you could finally say goodbye to endless hours of fruitless marketing and start seeing real results from your efforts?

👉 What if you could make consistent sales every month without having to constantly chase after new clients?

👉 What if you could do all of this while building a loyal following of customers who can't wait to buy from you again and again?

Sound Like A Stretch?

I Used To Think So Too...Until It Happened To Me

A few years ago...

I spent $6000 on a coaching program that promised to teach me how to get more coaching clients through organic strategies...(cold dm’ing random strangers, joining Facebook groups etc)

But the truth is, deep down, I knew these tactics didn't fit with me.

Despite this, I thought I had to use them because other people were crushing it with them.

But you know what happened?

I was absolutely MISERABLE.

I hated every minute of the program.

It was an expensive lesson to learn, but a valuable one.

But today, I'm much happier.

I've gone from doing daily “grunt work” on social media...

To waking up to sales notifications EVERY SINGLE DAY...
 ...and emails from people reaching out and enrolling in my higher-ticket offers without having to be "pushy", selling on the phone, or using any sleazy sales tactics.
The thing that got me there was...

Replacing Almost All Of My Marketing With A Simple Paid Toolkit...

Why did this work so well?

1. Freebie seekers are not as valuable as paying customers. 

They are less likely to invest in your products or services and are MUCH more likely to disappear after they've consumed your free content. By selling a toolkit, you attract customers who are truly invested in your business and willing to pay for your products and services.

2. "Implementation ignites investment"

Many people try to attract customers with low-ticket offers only to see poor results because their "low-ticket product" remains unused.

With a toolkit - It's not just a product, it's a practical tool. 

Clients use it, see results, and want more.

This creates a clear pathway from the toolkit to your full coaching program. 

The bottom line? 

When they use it, they're more likely to upgrade.

3. Can be put together super quick

You don't need to hibernate for months crafting a novel or recording extensive course content.


Because your toolkit can be assembled quickly using your existing resources. 

There's no need for lengthy writing or filming sessions. 

Instead, take what you're already using, package it into an appealing offer, and watch it work wonders. 

The best part about paid Toolkits?

They work in almost EVERY industry.

They don't cost a lot to set up.

They don't cost a lot to test.

They're easy to optimize.

They're fast to create.

The tech is simple.
Side effects to using The Toolkit Offer Method will include...


  •  Instead of filling your audience with a load of freebie seekers. You’re building your list and audience with customers who are MUCH more likely to buy from you again. And better yet - if you do things right - you’re doing it for a profit!


  •  No more spending hours on social media begging for sales. This type of strategy gives you your time back and attracts your dream customers to you.


  • No more throwing money into a black pit on paid ads. When you have a toolkit that converts well, you can attract new customers every day for free by using the revenue generated from sales to cover the cost of advertising

So If you'd like me to walk you through the step-by-step process to deploy a paid toolkit in YOUR business, then I've got some good news for you.


The workbook + tools you need to create your very own toolkit to attract your dream customers and clients

Here's exactly what you'll get:

Map out and create your irresistible toolkit offer so you can bring in new customers and clients like clockwork while using the toolkit revenue to pay for your ad costs


sTEP #1


Your idea will make or break the success of your toolkit and the kind of people you attract.

This section will show you how to come up with a winning toolkit idea that will attract dream customers like clockwork and lead perfectly into your other courses and coaching programs.



What is your toolkit going to include?

This section will help pick the format for your toolkit offer, make it stand out from the crowd, and make sure your customers get a "quick-win" that will leave them itching for more for you.



Are you ready to transform your toolkit into an offer that your target market can't resist? 

The way your toolkit "looks" is going have a huge impact on how many sales you make.

In this section, you'll learn how to create your toolkit's branding & design fast so you can make more sales and get more customers and clients.

sTEP #4

Celebrate 🥳

By this point you'll have your irresistible toolkit offer...ready to sell!

Congrats! 🎉 



"What should I price my toolkit offer at?"
“What should my conversion rate be?”
“How long will it take to hit 6-figures?”

These ^^^^ are the questions coaches, and course creators ask me when I work with them to help them launch a new toolkit offer.

It just so happens that they’re also questions that are easy to figure out with my Toolkit Launch Forecaster...

All you have to do is plug your numbers to instantly see your unique launch numbers and maximize your sales every single month without wasting time or money

​✅ Learn how to price your toolkit offer (the right way) to maximize sales and revenue.

Determine the figures and conversion rates you need to cover your ad spend (an even make a profit)

​✅Predict the success and viability of your toolkit offer BEFORE you start running ads.


If you want to ensure your toolkit sells, you need to make sure your product looks amazing. 

Your product mockups play a crucial role in showcasing your product's value and uniqueness, and without an attractive and enticing design, your toolkit may fall flat.

With these templates, you can create professional-looking product mockups in minutes, without any design experience or expensive software. 

​✅ Make your toolkit launch a success with high-quality mockups that grab your audience's attention.

​​✅  Easily customize your mockups with your own images, colors, and branding elements for a look that's uniquely you.

​​✅  Generate more sales.


Want to use ChatGPT to do all the hard work for you when it comes to coming up with your toolkit idea, your winning name and more?

No problem...

You can use these ChatGPT prompts to come up with everything you need to create your toolkit offer in seconds. 

All you have to do is fill-in-the blanks, add to ChatGPT and watch as it comes up with everything you need in seconds.

Here's Everything You Get When You Order Today:

 Step #1: The Winning Idea ($97 Value)

 Step #2: Decide On The Deliverables   ($97 Value)

 Step #3: Make It Irresistible ($97 Value)

 Toolkit Offer Forecaster ($197 Value)

 Irresistible Canva Offer Mock-Ups ($97 Value)

 The Winning Offer AI Prompts ($197 Value)

Total Value: $682

Get It All Right Now

ONLY $17!

And of course you're fully protected with our...


Try The Strategy 100% Risk Free For 365 Days

I'm so confident that this strategy will be a game-changer for your business that I'm happy to "put my money where my mouth is" and offer you a rock-solid refund guarantee.

Here's how it works.

I want to give you a full year to implement this strategy into your business and be amazed by the results.

If for any reason you don't find it useful, just email me at contact@thescalingeffect.com and I'll refund your $17 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?
Oh, and in case you're wondering...

"If This Is Any Good...Why Is This So Cheap?"

I realize this is very inexpensive...so right about now, you might be wondering what the "catch" is.

The reason of the low price is simple: 

This has been priced to help you win. 


I want to see you absolutely CRUSH this. 

Especially during these crazy times.

And I figure this offer is a great way to “put my best foot forward” by helping you win. 

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and we’ll do more business together in the future.

It's that simple..

Who Is Miles Lewis And Why Should I Listen To Him?

Hey there, I’m Miles

I quit my 9-5 job in 2018 and since then…I’ve built 2 internet business that have collectively done well over 7-figures in sales.

I first started online in e-commerce, then digital products and then coaching.

I’ve made every mistake in the book and I’ve spent thousands of hours refining and perfecting this approach and figuring out what works and what doesn’t -- so you don’t have to.

What I teach isn’t based on theory but from selling millions online in my own business and for my clients.

Take a look at this...
If you're looking for a simple and effective way to sell more of your courses and high-ticket coaching programs that has high chance of success, The Toolkit Offer Method is for you.

Here's Everything You Get When You Order Today:

 Step #1: The Winning Idea ($97 Value)

 Step #2: Decide On The Deliverables   ($97 Value)

 Step #3: Make It Irresistible ($97 Value)

 Toolkit Offer Forecaster ($197 Value)

 Irresistible Canva Offer Mock-Ups ($97 Value)

 The Winning Offer AI Prompts ($197 Value)

Total Value: $682

Get It All Right Now

ONLY $17!


Q: I am brand new and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes, this is a great option for you. You can use the Toolkit Offer Method to come up with an irresistible toolkit that sells and get your first customers who will be excited for your other offers.

Q: I've been coaching for a while. Will I still find value?
A: Yes, this solution will work particularly well for you. It's a great way to add an additional stream of income to your coaching business and grow even faster.

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?
A: As soon as the time on this page hits zero, this offer will end and the doors will close

Q: Does this only work for business coaches?
A: No, this works for all kind of coaches, content and course creators that want to sell their knowledge, build an audience and make a great living online.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?
A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: I don't have a big audience. Will this still work for me?
A: YES! This strategy will work.

Q: When will I get access to the training?
A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes, there is a 365-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

If you have any questions or need further information,
please email us at contact@thescalingeffect.com

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